About this blog

It was hard for me to decide to open this blog. It will contain my thoughts, my feelings and our DD experience. I welcome all friendly people who want to make friend, or to exchange DD experience. If you feel negative about anything in my blog, or about our life-style, just simply go away. Thank you for visiting and thank you more for commenting.

Monday, October 4, 2010

So many spankings in a week

Yes, I got spanked AGAIN !
Yesterday I was playing game online :-) and somebody, and something in the game made me feel uncomfortable. I still had that feeling even hours after, didn't know why. My husband tried to get me out of the bad mood, but just after a few smacks, I said I've got enough and I was better. But I lied....
Later in the evening, he recognized that I still not being happy, he asked and I had to admit that I lied to him, that I still in bad mood. He took my hand and led me to the toilet (my baby was sleeping and we couldn't make much noise in our room ), he told me to pull my pants and panties down (always bare :( ), and started spanking hard right from the beginning. He rarely scolds me, but yesterday he did a bit, and it made me feel worse than the spanking itself. He spanked me so hard, and moved a little to my thigh, so HURT !
After the spanking, he rubbed my bottom, we lied together in bed, he hugged me and talked to me. He said : "From now on, I won't go easy for you, the spanking can only increase the severe, not decrease. You must take good care of yourself. Tommorrow I'll write a plan for you to exercise, to get healthier and sexier (!!!???!!!). I expect you to follow my plan, or you will have to work out with a swollen bottom, and if you continue neglect the exercises, your butts will get more and more swollen. I need you to improve your health, to help me, and to take care of our baby". Many feelings came to me, I feel so cared, so thankful to him, I almost cried... but I also feel so happy and satisfied
In the past, I could never imagine there would be a day when my husband is so active in DD, in making rules and giving me my sequences for breaking those rules. More than ever, I can feel the love of him to me, and I feel I'm becoming a little more submissive :-) but the brat still didn't leave me yet :-) maybe it will lead me in to many more troubles... but my bottom need  a break now ... I'll be good... at least several days lol


  1. You must be enjoying the fact that your husband is becoming more active in DD and making you feel more submissive. Let's hope he keeps it up.


  2. It's really great when the men steps up and starts taking a stand on his own. I think you husband is doing just great. I hope you are doing well too. Even if you have to stand!!


  3. How is the exercising coming? I know it can be hard to keep it up. It is nice to feel cared for, loved

  4. Jean,
    Thank you for commenting, I'm really happy. But the bad news is my husband didn't come up with any plan yet. He was so busy and stress these days with his work and study, both have many problems right now. And I can still relax for a while :-p
